10 February 2017

How Is Friday #2: How I Said Goodbye to January

Maybe it's too late for me to write such a wrap-up of the books I read in January, but for me, nothing is too late. So, I insisted in writing and posting this. Okay. January was giving me a feeling like a chilli farmer who has been devastated over the very wet rainy months, and then suddenly the sun shines so brightly for weeks. After that, rain still pours over the farm, but just a light one.

From May to early July, I have been in training for preparing me as a community facilitator of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The training schedule was so packed like sarden or like hell that I barely had time to read. After that, I did my job as facilitator in remote area in Lampung province, somewhere surrounded by Taman Nasional Bukit Barisan Selatan and Samudera Hindia. There, I could swallow books only, maybe, a half of my normal monthly dozen. My job ended in December 2016, so I have been back to my previous life since January 2017, and it also means that I can swallow as many books as I want.

I said goodbye to January by listening to my nine pals which tell me memories from the time when I met each of them for the first time. They, the books I read in January 2017, will now share their story about our first meeting.


by Carlos Maria Dominguez
I blew my introduction greeting to you through the bookshelf where I belonged, under the sign of "15% off" at Jualan Buku Sastra in Wijilan, Yogyakarta. At that time, you looked at me curiously. I knew, you'd never bought a very thin book like me, but you should understand that size doesn't always tell what's inside. I also knew that you always seek information about the book you will buy, its review and rating either on Goodreads or on any book blogger's blog. But at that time, you knew nothing both about me and my author. And then, you were intrigued by my blurb and impressed by my cover so that you decided that once in a while you wanted to buy a cat in a box. I thank you for trusting me even when you'd just known me for the first time.
by Farrahnanda
A book blogger gave me over to be adopted by you. Actually, before we said "hey" directly to each other, you'd known me. Moreover, my author is your friend. After the first meeting, you put me in a box, and after a long time like forever, you finally went to me again and listened to my whole story.
#3: Madre
by Dee
Certainly you remembers that I was your Christmas gift. My first greeting was expressed immediately once you finished ripping my wrapping paper. After that, you left me for a while, maybe a week, with a pile of other books on your table. Then, when you were home, I was glad to see you again.
#4: Di Tanah Lada
by Ziggy Zeszyazeoviennazabrizkie
On that Tuesday noon in 2015, you couldn't find Kambing dan Hujan anywhere, so you grabbed Napas Mayat and I. I hope that you didn't see us just as replacements, because we can't replace each other. Each of us is special. I didn't see you for a long time, even I was still in my wrapping plastic seal. I have once wondered if you saw me just as replacement to Kambing dan Hujan, so you abandoned me. But, I was so relieved that in fact you didn't forget me.
by Gunawan Tri Atmodjo
We got acquianted through "Kampus Fiksi Emas" event in April 2016, for you short story had become one of short stories which had been selected and compiled into an anthology, Celia dan Gelas-gelas di Kepalanya. We just scanned each other, and then you laid me down into a box to hibernated. Where were you? Almost a year later, finally we met again.
by F. Scott Fitzgerald
A friend of yours brought me to you. He told me that you only had watched the movie adapted from me, and have never read me. Oh, poor you... But it's never too late for you to know me personally.
by Mitch Albom
I said "hey" to you for the first time through the gaps of dust at Gudang Gramedia Yogyakarta. Sneezing heavily, you grabbed me in a hug. You haven't read yet even one of my author's books. So, I hope I can impress you on behalf of Mitch Albom.
by Kiera Cass
In October last year we had had a slight conversation, until an error broke me so we couldn't saw each other longer. But, I was glad that you still remembered me and looked for another me.
by Ika Natassa
You had often heard about me since I was very popular around my publishing date. But just now we could say "hey" to each other personally, thanks to iJak apps for Android. Yeah, I knew that you often skip booming books and then sometimes decide to read them after the boom abated. You are afraid that maybe the booming book is overrated. So, how about me?
Our stories have been finished, but we hope this is, rather than a farewell, a "see you later". If it comes the time when you miss us, you know that you'll always be able to find us. We hope you'll never get bored, because there'll be something new you find in each time you re-read us.

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